Sant Dnyaneshwar Shikshan Sanstha's

Hon. Shri. Annasaheb Dange Ayurved Medical College,
Post Graduate & Research Center, Ashta.

Tal-Walwa Dist- Sangli - 416 301(Maharashtra) India.

Institute ID :- AYU0187

Accredited by NCISM-MARBISM & NABET- QCI Rating with 'A' Grade

Accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade & ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015

(Affiliated to National Commission for Indian System of Medicine, AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences.,Nashik, Maharashtra)

Rasa-Shastra Department


Rasa-Shastra Department


Hetu , Linga and Aushadha these are the three Sutras of Ayurveda. The department of Rasa shastra and Bhaishajya kalpana mainly deals with the third Sutra i.e. Aushadha. Various pharmaceutical processes of Herbal and Mineral drugs are carried out in this department.

The department is situated on the ground floor of main college building. The total area covered is 374 Out of which Department is situated in 167 and Teaching Pharmacy about 207 The Post Graduate course  started in 2011-2012. The intake capacity is of 5 students per year.

As far as the Academic performance is concerned, one of the UG student received Gold Medal from MUHS, Nashik who stood First in the subject all over Maharashtra and till date about 30 students achieved Distinction in our subject in MUHS University examination.


  1. Well qualified and Experienced Faculty Members.
  2. We have spacious museum containing 50 Models and 55 specimens along with 204 Prepared formulations
  3. The Department is divided under three parts as- i) Department, ii) Teaching Pharmacy, iii) Quality Control Laboratory
  4. In the Departmental well equipped Laboratory,150 practical of UG and PG students are conducted per year.
  5. In the Teaching Pharmacy we have prepared near about 60 Ayurvedic products as per requirement of the Dhanwantari Hospital last year.
  6. The Quality Control Laboratory is having various Analytical instruments like Dissolution, Spectro photometer . Routinely we are analyzing Drugs prepared in the Teaching Pharmacy for Quality Assurance.
  7. Visits to the various GMP approved Pharmacies are arranged.


To give the Theoretical and Practical knowledge regarding Ayurvedic  Pharmaceutics to UG and PG students and making them eligible for self preparation of Ayurvedic Drugs.


  1. To give basic knowledge of preparation of Herbal and Herbo-mineral Ayurvedic Drugs
  2. To create awareness regarding Modern Pharmaceutics.
  3. To develop  the skill regarding Manufacturing of Ayurvedic Drugs in students along with their Personality development.
  4. To motivate the students regarding various Research aspects in Ayurvedic formulations


  1. Departmental Seminars arec conducted every week for PG students and every month for UG students.
  2. Till date over 100 students completed their short term projects on Ayurvedic Formulations .
  3. Faculty members and various students are participating actively in various National and International Conferences, Seminars , Workshops.
  4. Interdisciplinary research work is conducted. Various Ayurvedic Drugs are prepared required by the PG students from other Clinical departments.



 Maharashtra University of Health Sciences , Nashik  granted A Long Term Research Grant (LTRG) Project  entitled as “ Development of Parameters of Bhavita Ashwagandha churna. “