Sant Dnyaneshwar Shikshan Sanstha's

Hon. Shri. Annasaheb Dange Ayurved Medical College,
Post Graduate & Research Center, Ashta.

Tal-Walwa Dist- Sangli - 416 301(Maharashtra) India.

Institute ID :- AYU0187

Accredited by NCISM-MARBISM & NABET- QCI Rating with 'A' Grade

Accredited by NAAC with 'A' Grade & ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015

(Affiliated to National Commission for Indian System of Medicine, AYUSH, Govt. of India, New Delhi, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences.,Nashik, Maharashtra)




Infrastructure And Learning Resources


Physical Facilities

4.1.4. Average percentage of expenditure incurred, excluding salary, for infrastructure development and augmentation during the lasr five years


Average Percentage of expenditure incurred, Excluding Salary for infrastructure development and augmentation during the last five years

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Clinical, Equipment and Laboratory Learning Resources.

4.2.3 Average number of students per year exposed to learning resource such as Laboratories, Animal House & Herbal Garden during the last five years


Detailed report of activities and list of students benifitted due to exposure to learning resource for the year 2022-23

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4.2.4 : Availability of infrastructure for community based learning Institution.


Geotagged photos of health centres Provied Goverment Order on allotment assignment of PHC to the institution Provide Documents of resident facility

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Library as a Learning Resource

4.3.4 : Average annual expenditure for the purchase of books and journals including e-journals during the last five years.


Provide Consolidated extract of expenditure for purchase of books and journals during the last five years duly attested by chartered accountant and head of the institute. Provide Audited Statement highlighting the expe

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4.3.6 : E-content resources used by teachers: 1. NMEICT / NPTEL, 2. other MOOCs platforms, 3. SWAYAM, 4. Institutional LMS, 5. e-PG-Pathshala.


E-Content Resources used by the teachers 2022-2023

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Maintanance of Campus Infrastructure

4.5.1 : Average Expenditure incurred on maintanance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary components, as a percentage during the last five years.

4.5.1 a

Average Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities excluding salary component, as pa percentage during the last five years

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